I think there are a lot of issues in the criminal justice system. There are so many cracks in the system that so many people are able to slip through. I think it is not going to work really well until we figure out how to change things for the better. We talked about the PIC in class and I was able to learn more about it. I think that since most people in jail are there because of the people who make money off of them. It's a selfish way for people to become rich easily. They can throw people in jail and take advantage of the lack of obeying labor laws in prisons. It is crazy to me because we are told prisons are used to correct wrongs that a person has done when really all they do is separate us from the problem so we no longer see it. That does not keep the problem from existing though. It is like putting a band-aid on a cut. It temporarily protects it, but it does not actually do any healing. What we need to do is solve the problems that cause people to be put in jail instead of just building more prisons and filling them up and then moving on to building the next prison. I think in the article about abolishing the PIC was most interesting to me. I liked the idea of creating more rehabs for people and providing more resources for them to get help. Drug addicts do not get the help they need in jail and it does not solve the problem of why they were in there in the first place. It just puts the problem away for a certain amount of time and then when they can no longer hold it, they let it back out into the world to only end up back in the same place later on. It is like people do not want to see people change for the better. I feel like it is just a way for people to be able to keep a "bad" part of society existing so that they feel more superior about themselves. I also think that we should decriminalize low income schools. People assume that they are going to cause problems because of stereotypes and prejudice towards typically people of color when really most of the time all we leave for them to do is follow their stereotypes. We do not leave room for people to be able to change and become more than what we say they are. If someone grows up being told that they are a criminal then almost every time they are going to believe it. I think the best thing for us to do is start by breaking many vicious cycles that exist in our culture today that keep putting more and more people in prison and allowing business and government to get rich off of them.
Word Count: 492
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Pre-Reading Week 13
has been a big eye opener for me so far from what we have learned in class about
the Prison-Industrial Complex. I never thought much about what prisons do
besides the fact that they are supposed to punish and correct those who committed a crime. I
never realized how much it is a vicious cycle though and how it is used as a money
maker. In my opinion race has a big connection to crime. We often see certain
races such as blacks as being the ones to blame for crime in humanity, but we
never often think of why it is mainly them who commit the crimes. Minorities
often get the short end of the stick when it comes to crime because we tend to
overlook the crime going on in white committees. It is not only minorities who are the majority
of who commits crime it is just the result of a vicious cycle that was created
way back in the days after slavery was abolished. After slavery was no longer
allowed, whites had lost their control and domination over people of color so
they would create new ways to undermine the system and still hold their social
hierarchy status. They would stereotype people of color,
particularly blacks, negatively so that people who still view them as inferior
to whites. Since they are viewed negatively by so many people it makes it
harder for them to succeed and they end up resorting to crime as a solution in
order to make it in the world. Prisons in the United States serve as a place to
hold people who have committed crimes in order to punish them and correct their crime I find prisons useful in some ways and in some ways I don’t. While it
does keep criminals off the streets and endangering society, it doesn't really
offer a solution to change the person for the better. To me, prisons most of
the time just build the anger in the person who was put in prison in the first
place. Often when one is released from prison they are scrutinized against for
the rest of their lives which doesn't give them a chance to change and make a
difference for themselves for the better. In order to stay off the streets and
keep from committing a crime a person needs to see a positive change in them selves
first before they can leave their criminal past behind, but we often don’t
even give them the chance to. If we see
them as criminals and only criminals for the rest of their lives then how are
they supposed to see themselves as anything else other than that?
Word Count: 449
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Pre-Reading Blog Week 11: Hip Hop
When I think of hip hop, I think of all the annoying songs that play on the radio now-a-days. All the lyrics seem to be about sex, drugs, and partying. It has come down to where only once in a while I will hear a hip hop song that is about something that I really care about and makes me feel something. I think the purpose of hip hop is to entertain, but also to connect to the audience that it pertains. The stereotype of hip hop is that a lot of guys who wear baggy pants and bling listen to the music, but in reality almost any type of person whether they dress in all black or whether they are young or old can and do listen to it as well. In the old days hip hop use to tell stories whether it was about the artist childhood or about a current event going on in the world today. One of my personal favorite songs is Juicy by Notorious B.I.G. This song is about his struggles growing up and how he didn't let anyone tell him that he couldn't go after his dream. I think this song is beautiful because it has an overall message that a lot of people can relate to. A lot (not all) of the hip hop songs on the radio today seem to be more about men dominating women and getting tons of money or the usual smoking and getting drunk. Music is all about self expression and if that's what the artist feels they need to express then so be it. I just feel that music should always have some kind of feeling to it. I think my ideas of hip hop definitely can relate to the Chris Rock video. I think what he means by it being harder to defend hip hop today is because of the fact that most of it is degrading to women and don't really have an important meaning to it. This connects to what I was explaining above about how hip hop use to tell stories with a meaning behind them. Even though hip hop music has changed, I don't think it's trash. Work has been put into the music regardless whether or not the lyrics are deep or if they are simple and that should be acknowledged. Hip hop can have very well put together beats which makes it enjoyable to dance to. I think some of the problems that persist in hip hop such as it being degrading to women are ignored because people don't think that it can pertain to them when really it does. It pertains to all women, maybe not intentionally, but it does. Since most women do tend to shrug the lyrics off their shoulders, it allows men to believe that these kinds of lyrics are acceptable. Some may even apply these lyrics to real life and will feel it's okay to treat women exactly how they are portrayed in hip hop music. It is a big dilemma, but I wouldn't know a solution to ending these degrading lyrics when after all, music is art and art is a way of self expression.
Word Count: 523
Word Count: 523
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Post-Reading: Race, Education, and Disability Week 8
think diagnosing students, especially younger children, with a disability is
really tricky. There can be a lot of misdiagnosing disabilities because it
doesn't depend on a single factor. While we are young, we are growing everyday
and are constantly changing. When we diagnose things such as learning disabilities
we usually do it at an early stage in their lives. A teacher notices that one
of their students isn't processing information as fast or even at all like the
other students in her class so he/she assumes that it is because of a learning
disability. It is possible that the child just learns better when taught in a
different way or environment. Teachers should think more about how they can
help the child adjust better than passing the student on to someone else right
away. It is unfair to the child to be penalized for something that could have been addressed
in a way where both the teacher and student were satisfied. Another way we can
misdiagnose disabilities such as a language disability does not know enough
about the student. I think background information is key for situations like
these. I think this ties back to "whiteness" being normal. People
always just assume that if you are in America then you automatically speak
English with no problem when really language in America is very diverse because
their are so many people here from different backgrounds. A child may have been
born in America, but that doesn't mean their parents taught them English from
the start. The parents could have decided to teach them the language from their culture first before
teaching them English. There is also the possibility that the parents do not
know English leaving the child to have to learn on their own. In most
situations, they will learn by listening to English speaking people and don't
really learn how to write it. This can affect the child's ability to
write. Most of the time teachers will not look at the child's background to
understand why they have trouble writing in class and will often just classify
it as a learning disability. Gender can also play a role in diagnosing learning
disabilities. Most of the time we stereotype males as being the ones who cause
trouble and aren't able to sit still when really females can be just as rowdy
as males. This means that it is common that teachers will often overlook girls
who actually have learning disabilities and most of the time pin a learning
disability on a boy.
Word Count: 423
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Post-Reading Week2
would define race and ethnicity as ideas that the human race created
in order to be able to belong to somewhere and also be able to
seperate people into different groups based on looks and cultural
aspects. The fact that they are social constructs makes it easy for
people to become confused and use each word in the wrong context. I
used to think that they meant the same thing until I took this class.
I always asked someone what race they were and never really used the
word ethnicity. Confusing between these words can easily happen
especially when they are so closely related. Race is more defined in
a way that it basically means a person is a certain race based on
what we assume from their physical appearance. Ethnicity is defined
by looking at the persons beliefs and whether or not they fit into
certain groups. I definitely believe that everyone should be able to
define their own race and ethnicity because it should be defined by
who they FEEL they are not by what society THINKS they are. It can
mean the world to some people to be able to define their own race and
not have to live by what people say they are just because they look a
certain way. People always connect biology with race because of the
assumptions that the meaning of race is basically how a person looks.
It's crazy to think that just because a person looks a certain way
then that is what they are. It is even more crazy to me to think that
just because a person looks a certain way then that means they can do
certain things too. Stereotypes have gotten to the point where people
are thinking they are true for everyone. Most people don't even
bother to ask what race or ethnicity I am. They always just assume I
am mexican just because I have tan skin. I have had people just start
talking spanish to me assuming I would understand it. Although I am
mexican, I do not speak spanish. I have also had people just assume
that I can play soccer and that I am really good at it just because
of the fact that I am mexican. Stereotypes like this make me
frustrated sometimes because people may surprise you. Just because a
person looks a certain way does not mean that that is who they are.
Word Count: 406
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Post-Reading Week 1
Horne's argument against teaching Ethnic
Studies in Tucson Unified School District seems a little bit contradicting to
me. He argues that teaching Ethnic Studies classes such as raza studies
separates students and teaches them ethnic chauvinism. He say's that we try to
teach kids that it's not about what race he/she came from that it's about
his/her character and what he/she can and can't do. This point in his argument
right here seems to really make me think because he mentions individualism and
how they teach us to treat others as a individual, but yet taking a class that focuses
on your own race is unacceptable? Isn't learning about your own ethnicity and
where you came from a part of being individual? The social studies classes that
I have been in throughout my years of middle school and high school have seemed
to focus more on white history and barley touch on other ethnicity histories. I
think having classes that focus on certain ethnicity's provide students with
the opportunity to learn about where they came from and learn a little bit
about who they are. There is more than one race in this world and the thought
of not allowing students to learn about their own race seems absurd to me. If
the classes were only meant for the people of that race to take them then that’s
a different story, but these classes are open to whoever wants to take them and
aren’t restricted to one race only. If an African American student learned about
Chicano studies, they can learn about other cultures and find that they have
similarities. I think the classes are good because it teaches you to step out
of your comfort zone and also opens your mind to different cultures around the
world. Horne also kept mentioning the
same thing over and over about how we shouldn’t be teaching kid’s about the
downsides of history because it causes them to only focus on those things such
as being oppressed. When asked a question his go-to answer was that it would
cause students to start thinking about oppression. Michael, on the other hand,
felt that in order to celebrate our country for all its glory, we have to also
learn about the down sides too. The classes being taught in school now do not
teach a well rounded curriculum where we are able to learn about the full truths
of history. I think Michael had a better
developed argument on why we should allow ethnic studies classes because he had
a lot of valid reasons that contradicted Horne’s argument. Horne definitely did
not seem open minded to other opinions and kept on assisting that ethnic
studies classes would divide students up and cause them to be in favor of their
own race.
Word Count: 466
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Pre-Thinking Blog Week of Sept 3rd
When I think of Ethnic Studies I would think it is a class about learning about ethnicities. For example, learning about what defines your ethnicity and who you are. I am not exactly sure what Ethnic Studies is. So far I have learned that it is not just about defining ethnicity it also focus on issues that deal with problems of ethnicity and race. You learn about the difference between what ethnicity and race means. The class can also focus on problems different ethnicities have or are facing throughout the existence of this world. The possibilities are really endless. I think everyone can benefit from taking an Ethnic Studies class because it can be eye opening to issues around the world that have not yet been dealt with. It is also just good for everyone to learn a little bit about different cultures and ethnicities to have an open mind about people around the world. I think people who do not know a lot about their ethnicity or heritage can definitely benefit from this class as well. The class might be able to help answer some unanswered questions for that person and helped them get in touch with the place and heritage that is a part of them and always will be. For instance, I do not know a lot about my heritage and feel that it is important to learn as much as I can because it is who I am. If people do not learn where about where they came from and their ethnicity I feel that at some point later on in the future everyone will start to lose touch with who they really are. Then what is to become of our diversity on this Earth? or just in America alone? I also feel that this class can be helpful to everyone because it is good to know the difference between the meaning of race and ethnicity. Some people who aren't knowledgeable about these words can use them in the wrong text and possibly offend someone. With this class, people can be more knowledgeable about the things that they say. People can become more cautious about being offensive to other ethnicity's and treating everyone with respect. I hope at the end of this semester I will be able to elaborate more on what exactly and Ethnic Studies class is. I also hope that I will take something valuable away from this class that I can use to help me move forward in my future.
Word Count: 415
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